
Agency Performance Partners


Pros To Firing An Insurance Client | How to Fire An Insurance Client

Posted on June 26, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Have you considered the pros to firing an insurance client? We have broken down the benefits of releasing a client to your competition.

What are the pros to firing an insurance client? You may get flooded with all the fear, uncertainty and doubt of firing a client but do you ever think about all the good things that can happen by releasing an insurance client. The reality is there can be several really great things that happen when you donate a client to your competition (when they are not a great fit for your agency!).

When you think of firing an insurance client you may get a flush of fear but remind yourself of all the positives you may get! Here are a few pros to relocating that trouble client to your competition:

  • Boosted team morale
  • Showing your team you won’t tolerate bad clients
  • Reduced E&O gaps
  • Freeing up team members time
  • Identifying who your agency serves best and keep getting better at working with them

As an agency owner you need to think clearly about making a good business decision. Sometimes these decisions include weighting the pros and the cons. In our next 3 Minute video we share some of the cons to firing clients so you can prepare in advance for any downsides. Take a moment to review the how to identify the clients who may need to depart your agency.

Resources from APP On Pros To Firing An Insurance Client:

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