
Agency Performance Partners


Managing Unexpected Time Off In An Insurance Agency | How to Manage Time Off At Your Agency

Posted on June 19, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Are you the one who gets to be managing unexpected time off in an insurance agency. Then you need this podcast!

Have you been stuck with managing unexpected time off in an insurance agency? I think we all have! You want to be flexible and kind to the needs of your team and you have a deep desire to provide a great work life balance. We all need sometime to recharge right? Then you look at the time off schedule and realize well it may be difficult but not impossible and you approve time off when other agency team members may be out. Then boom that week one of your other team members has a family emergency or illness. Now your in panic mode and you think how much coffee do I need to get through today.

Here are some strategies we recommend in this video:

  • have a pool of people who can help (answer phones, scan, greet clients)
  • start cross training now
  • show appreciation to the team when your short staffed

This will happen in every single insurance agency (and business for that matter). What you know in advance you can prepare for in advance. If you are going to approve that time off you need to make sure you have a contingency plan.

Learn How APP Can Help With Managing Unexpected Time Off In An Insurance Agency

We’re Agency Performance Partners; APP is your insurance agency’s best friend when it comes to training, strategies, brutal truth & tough love that’ll grow your agency with hugs & high fives along the way….just like a BFF.

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