
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Policy Cancellation – What is the Best Process?

Posted on June 24, 2024 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Insurance Policy Cancellations: What To Do

MAKE IT HARD! Insurance Policy Cancellations are the worst. Not many agents know what to say or how to respond. That is precisely why you need to have a PROCESS in your agency. Scripts are underappreciated. Getting a quote should be EASIER, while canceling a policy should be much harder. If we are not building rapport and not doing renewal calls, cancellations will happen and be harder to stop. 

First, we need to build a relationship; second, we have to be proactive. If this is happening and working, you will have way fewer cancellations. If not, you will have a bunch, and they will be hard to stop. 

So, let’s dive into Insurance Policy Cancellations and how to do it right. We promise to provide the BEST PRACTICES IN HANDLING POLICY CANCELLATIONS. Stay tuned below!

Insurance policies are contracts. Canceling a policy outside the contract dates can affect or even cause extra fees. So how does it work? Well, a customer can cancel at any time, but it is best to do it at renewal for a policy. That is when the contract begins and ends, the renewal date. So, unlike some subscriptions, with insurance, you renew the policy every time the expiration date is hit. In most cases, it is a 6-month or 12-month policy. 

Things with properties, cars, and businesses change so often that insurance carriers want to make sure the policies are accurate (and you are paying the correct costs).  In most cases, legally you must get the policyholder’s signature to cancel a policy, but find out your agency’s procedures, the carrier procedures, and the state the policy is written in to confirm.

Why Do Customers Cancel Their Insurance?

There can be various reasons for canceling an insurance policy, including:

  • Cost
  • Better coverage
  • Changing needs
  • Duplicate coverage
  • Policy dissatisfaction
  • Life events
  • Insurance company changes
  • No longer owning insured property
  • Non-payment
  • Regulatory reasons (changes in law or new requirements)

COMMON MYTH-If They’ve Already Found Coverage Somewhere Else, We Can’t Stop Them Now-WRONG

We assume our customers can’t afford a couple hundred dollars. Yet, do we truly know that? Usually, a new policy down payment is between $50-$300. If you truly show them your value, they can pay that amount to YOU and just flat cancel the other and wait for a refund-SURE! 

REMEMBER, we are showing VALUE, and if we do that, PRICE shouldn’t be the main focus. Ask for a copy of their new policy and make this an Agency Standard. The customer doesn’t know you don’t NEED it to cancel their current policy. With the policy in hand, you can point out missing items or reasons they might prefer to cancel the new policy instead of yours.

Don’t give up so easily! If the policy looks great, say so and build your rapport. What if the policy is great but the agent is horrible? Being knowledgeable and providing great customer service will bring them back to you when they change their minds! Don’t be afraid to tell them you want to earn their business and fix the issue or win them back later!

Challenges Faced by Independent Insurance Agents

In the independent insurance agency world, Insurance Policy Cancellations are more difficult than in an exclusive agency. The reason for this is in an exclusive agency environment, you deal with 1 carrier and you usually know their procedures and guidelines when it comes to canceling a policy. In an Independent Agency, you deal with a large variety of carriers and each one’s process can vary.  

A lack of clarity in this process for agents and customers can make the process frustrating. No one at an agency wants a customer to cancel, but we still have to give great customer service. If we are doing that in the first place, the amount of cancellations will be reduced. 

It is all about the relationship you build with the client. Building relationships leads to trust and trust leads to more open communication. In these cases, a customer will reach out with questions and concerns rather than reaching out to cancel immediately. 

Have more questions but no time to read everything? Check out our Stopping a Cancellation process pack and get 20% off with this code: Summer2024.

Best Practices for Handling Policy Cancellations

Clear communication is important for Insurance Policy Cancellations, from the BEGINNING. Educating your clients on the policy, what it does, and what it covers is very important. The clearer you can be about a customer’s policy, the more they will understand and reach out with questions when they need help. If they do not feel you care, it will be easier for them to cancel the policy and move on. 

Does your agency track cancellation reasons? If not, you need to start. To prevent future cancellations, your agency must acknowledge and track them to understand the reasons for Insurance Policy Cancellations. They MUST be documented in the management system. 

These records will help you pull lists and understand why a policy is canceled, not to mention they help you keep a list of customers you can reach back out to and try to win back later. 

Proactive Measures

Preventing Insurance Policy Cancellations involves proactive management and adherence to the terms of the policy. Insurance agencies can take several proactive measures to prevent policy cancellations and maintain customer satisfaction, including:

  1. Provide Clear Communication: Ensure that policyholders fully understand the terms and conditions of their insurance policies. Clearly communicate coverage details, exclusions, renewal processes, and consequences of non-compliance.
  2. Offer Flexible Payment Options: Provide multiple payment methods and flexible payment schedules to accommodate customers’ financial situations. Offer automatic payment options and reminders to help policyholders stay current on their premiums.
  3. Implement Effective Risk Management: Help policyholders identify and mitigate risks associated with their insured assets or activities. Offer guidance on safety measures, security systems, and preventive maintenance to minimize the likelihood of claims and losses.
  4. Regular Policy Reviews: Conduct periodic policy reviews with customers to ensure that their coverage remains adequate and relevant to their evolving needs. Offer adjustments or enhancements to their policies as necessary.
  5. Proactive Customer Service: Be proactive in addressing policyholders’ inquiries, concerns, and changes in circumstances. Provide prompt, personalized assistance and solutions to prevent dissatisfaction and potential cancellations.
  6. Educational Resources: Offer educational resources, such as blog posts, newsletters, or webinars, to help policyholders understand insurance concepts, risk management strategies, and ways to maximize their coverage.
  7. Retention Programs: Implement customer retention programs that reward loyalty and encourage policyholders to maintain their coverage with the agency. Offer discounts, loyalty rewards, or bundled insurance packages to incentivize continued patronage.
  8. Claims Assistance and Support: Provide efficient and empathetic claims-handling services to policyholders in times of need. Guide them through the claims process, offer timely assistance, and ensure fair and prompt claim settlements to maintain satisfaction and loyalty.
  9. Monitor Policy Performance: Regularly monitor policy performance metrics, such as lapse rates and customer feedback, to identify potential cancellation risks early. Take proactive steps to address underlying issues and improve customer retention.
  10. Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Keep abreast of industry trends, regulatory changes, and emerging risks that could impact policyholder satisfaction and retention. Adapt products, services, and processes accordingly to stay competitive and responsive to customer needs.

By implementing these proactive measures, insurance agencies can minimize policy cancellations, foster long-term customer relationships, and enhance overall business success.

Get it NOW: Stopping a Cancellation process pack.

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Get 20% off with this code: Summer2024

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Providing Exceptional Customer Service Throughout the Cancellation Process

This one seems hard for some service agents to understand, why would we give excellent customer service to someone who wants to cancel? Well, guess where they will go if the new agent isn’t excellent? Back to you. 

You always want to leave that door open and get feedback to improve to get them to come back. Winbacks are a fun list to work on! The more notes and details you have for why and how they left, the better the call will go.

Many times I have had customers leave and call back begging to come back to my agency. They thought it was all about price, but it wasn’t. If your agency as a whole gives great customer service, most of your customers will stay or call you before they leave. So, pick up the pace on enhancing your agency’s customer service model.

In conclusion, customer service in Insurance Policy Cancellations is a huge factor when it comes to our customers. Cancellations need to be handled properly, promptly, and with courtesy. You never know when that customer may need your expertise because another agent doesn’t know what they are doing. 

Every agency needs to have processes and procedures/best practices for canceling policies. Independent insurance agents need to prioritize communication, documentation, compliance, and customer retention strategies in their cancellation processes. 

Great news, if you are reading this in the summer of 2024, we have our Agency School with tons of courses, or the Stopping a Cancellation process pack, which you can get 20% off with this code: Summer2024.

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