
Agency Performance Partners


Busy In Insurance – Managing Book Seasonality

Posted on April 19, 2021 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Busy In Insurance

We’re going to spend two entire weeks talking about time management strategies, because there’s one thing we hear time and time again in agencies: everyone feels so busy.

The bottom line is you can’t just go ahead and say “it’s busy, that’s not really tied to a strategy or a plan or even a fact.”

In order to combat that feeling of being inundated with work, we have tons of time management tips to help your agency be Ridiculously Amazing in 2021. This first one is common in many industries, but we don’t see it often in insurance. It’s managing the seasonality of your business.

Identifying and managing the seasonality of your insurance agency can be a huge time management tool. Here’s what you need to know about your business’ seasonality.


  • There are times when it’s slower, and times when your plate is more full

Just like accountants have tax season, agencies also have times when there is a flurry of activity. These times can be great for revenue generation, but tend to put people at their max. It’s important to look at when your productive season is, so you can make a plan for how to tackle it.


  • Take the time to understand your seasonality

Before you can tackle your seasonality, you first need to understand it. You should break down your data, like your metrics and KPIs, to see when you have more work on your plate. That way, you can come up with a strategy, and make sure everyone is prepared.


  • Make sure everyone’s books are even

Once you identify your seasonal workflow, you want to make sure everyone is pulling their share of the weight. It’s not fair if one person is slammed, while another person is cruising. This will help ensure that not only some people are bearing the brunt of the busy season, and it’ll lighten the collective load.


  • Set strategies based on seasonality

Once you identify your seasonality, you can make some important choices. For example, if your agency is productive in the summer, maybe everyone shouldn’t be able to take off in the same few weeks. Or maybe that’s not the best time to launch a new strategy or program. Making decisions based off of seasonality can help manage the workflow.


  • Communicate the seasonality

When there’s a flurry of work, it can lead to agents that are tired and overwhelmed, and you risk burnout. But if you communicate the seasonality, your staff will know when they can expect this “busy season” to end. This light at the end of the tunnel will help them push through this temporary time.


The bottom line is that you can’t just say it’s a “busy season” and leave it at that, because that’s not a strategy or a plan. By identifying your seasonality, you’ll be able to best serve your customers, and best support your team members.


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