Summer time! Days are longer, clothing is more casual and vacations are everywhere. Sounds amazing right? It all is until right about now when your staff has become a little more of an Eeyore than a Tigger. Since everyone and their mother takes days and weeks of personal time in the summer it can certainly back log the office pretty quickly. Nothing is worse than when you may be short staffed due to vacation and someone gets a touch of the Summer Flu and needs one more day off.
The challenge is that now you and your agency are paying the price. It’s August so now the bulk of the time has been used and the work is backlogged. I’m not saying that using your vacation time is a crime. I’m just letting you know that all too many offices may be feeling the same way as yours; a little wilted from summer vacation time.
So we need to accomplish two things. First, creating a game plan to be better prepared for the summer absences next year and second, getting caught up now. What we know in advance, we can prepare for.
Generally people plan their summer vacations in advance, so make sure you are looking at the calendar to see who is requesting what days. It’s OK to say no; remember it’s a request. Also, limit educational classes and carrier meetings in the summer as we need as many people in the office as possible. We like to recommend agencies have a pre-vacation checklist for people taking off more than 3 consecutive planned days. It should include but not limited to the following:
- Voicemail updated
- Email out of office on
- Email inbox cleaned up (no more than 20 emails)
- A list of outstanding quotes to follow up on
- A list of outstanding remarkets to follow up on
- Activities up-to-date and reviewed during the absence for clarity
- Clean desk
- Review of any pressing matters with the team leader
- Mail up-to-date
It may sound silly but it works to help someone get not only caught up but ahead before they depart. It will be easier on your team as well as on them when they return.
Now what do you do with the pile of backlog you have now. First, the team needs to speak honestly not emotionally about the backlog. Saying we are so busy or we are 2 weeks behind won’t help. That’s describing the problem not looking for a solution. You need to get a handle on the problem then identify the best way to remedy it. Be motivational, bring in lunch and allow for a few selective hours of overtime. The goal is to relieve the pressure so you can get ahead and not live in it. Also identify who in the office may have a bit of time to pitch in. Anyone can scan or upload documents. It’s a great time to be a lean mean team.
If your agency has the Summer Backlog Blues make sure you address it. Left unaddressed then your customer experience will diminish!