
Agency Performance Partners


When To Fire An Employee: Overthinking Employee Firing

Posted on August 31, 2021 by Alex Arellano

Overthinking Employee Firing

When we’re running an agency and we’re considering doing something new, whether that’s considering a texting initiative, changing roles, or you want to go to a sales process, there tends to be this little voice in our heads. That little voice might say “What will someone think?” Especially when it comes to terminating employees, we really tend to overthink employee firing, and be concerned with what our employees will think.

“What I want to say is this: if you sat down and added up my time, and the owner’s time, all the things talking about this one person or two people, imagine how much that is costing your agency. It’s absolutely catastrophic.”

Here’s the thing: overthinking employee firing is common, but you need to get over it, because it’s costing you and your team more than you know. Here’s what to do when you’re overthinking employee firing:


Calculate the numbers

When you’re overthinking the employee firing process, you need to stop and calculate how much money this whole experience is actually costing you. If you sit down and add up all of the numbers, it can be pretty ridiculous. Calculate how much time and mental energy they’re costing you, to get an idea for how bad the damage really is.


Put them on a plan

Next, when you’re overthinking the employee firing process, you should put them on a performance improvement plan and document what’s going on. This will ensure you have the proper documentation for the firing process, and can help prevent you from overthinking. They might actually leave during this process, which will even be more helpful to you.


Don’t stress over being short staffed

If one of your main concerns about firing an employee is that you’ll be short staffed, remember that having the energy of this employee in your agency is going to hold you back from being successful. If you’re no longer putting up with this, you’re creating more opportunity in your day for positivity in your agency. You’re also ensuring that energy and morale among your team members stays positive and productive. 


If you have one or two employees holding you back and the idea of termination is making you nervous, take the steps to calculate what this is truly costing you. That’ll help you stop overthinking the employee firing process, and focus on taking steps to make your agency the best it can be.


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