
Agency Performance Partners


Recipe for Success Wednesday: Agency Mission Statements

Posted on January 28, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

As part of the Agency Performance Partners process we generally conduct an agency assessment on all new clients. This is a 300 question anonymous virtual survey the entire team takes so we can understand how your agency ticks. We learn the good, the bad and the ugly pretty quickly! One thing thand that 25% of agencies don’t have mission statements. However, most shocking is under 50% of people think their agency has one but isn’t sure what it is!

Mission statements help understand why you exist and what everyone is here to accomplish. It helps unite the team toward a common cause. Without strong mission, vision and value statements, too often individuals own beliefs can enter into your agency. You need to have a strong statement as to why you are here to ensure your entire team can live the mission.

mission statement 2

Where mission statements really miss their mark in agencies is when the owners create one, throw it on the website and then never mention it again. To really succeed, your mission statement needs to be brought up often! When conflict arises you should review the mission statement for clarity on how to handle the issue. The mission statement should be reviewed in team meetings so the entire office knows why you exist.

Don’t let your mission statement stay on your website only… make it live in your agency.