
Agency Performance Partners


4 Things to do Now Before the End of the Year: Goals & Incentives

Posted on November 17, 2021 by Alex Arellano

4 Things to do Now Before the End of the Year: Goals & Incentives

We’re diving into crucial things that you should be doing before the end of the year, and today’s topic is about goals and incentives for your insurance agency.

“Goals are incredibly helpful because they allow us to have some freedom and also put our energy and resources towards something. There is nothing like celebrating.”

At the end of the day, if you want to bring about change at your agency, you need to set up goals and incentives for your insurance agency. It’s one of the best things you can do for your agency, and here are some reasons why:


  • Goals are helpful: Goals are incredibly helpful because they allow you to put your resources and energy into something specific, but also still give you freedom and flexibility. Setting a goal doesn’t mean you’re locked into it for life.
  • Getting hallways doesn’t mean failure: A lot of us don’t set goals because we don’t like failing. It’s our brain’s way of keeping us safe, secure, and protected. But we have to remember even if we “only” get halfway to our goals, that’s still a huge achievement. 
  • Goals help define success: Your team deserves to know what winning looks like, and they can’t do that without goals. And if they don’t know what winning looks like, they ultimately can’t help you win.
  • Goals define the why: Goals are incredibly effective at helping define the why. Why we are changing something, or why we’re doing it in general. Most people want to know what’s in it for them


At the end of the day, when you share your goals and incentives with your agency, you might be surprised as people hop on the bandwagon to help you reach those goals.


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