
Agency Performance Partners


4 Reasons Your Management System Reports Are Wrong

Posted on March 11, 2022 by Alex Arellano

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If you are an Insurance Agent 2022 stop and take a moment to watch these videos to help you become ridiculously amazing this year.


4 Reasons Your Agency Management System Reports Are Wrong – Understand the Report

Insurance agency reports are one thing about this industry we’d all like to not deal with, but that doesn’t mean we can just put the whole concept away, never to be broached again. Instead, it means we have to work through some hurdles and emotions before making any real progress.

The move is NOT to get fired up and throw this whole operation away just to have to start over in a month or so.”


4 Reasons Your Agency Management System Reports Are Wrong – Human Error

To Error is Human and it’s true. No matter how good of a job you do, you will make mistakes and that is okay. What is not okay is not having any systems in place that help you and your team mitigate human error as much as possible. That’s one reason your insurance agency reports are, well, wrong.

We have a longstanding love affair with them because they make everyone’s life easier.”


Why Your Agency Management Report Systems Are Wrong – Downloads

When we are having issues with our insurance agency reporting, it can be depending on one factor or a combination. Something we find that people look over a lot is carrier downloads. Here at APP, we tend to recommend using downloads because they save time and direct your attention to what needs to be collected.

Another issue is that none of these downloads are the same from carrier to carrier. That would be too easy, right?”


Why You Need To Get Your Insurance Agency’s Reporting Right

Insurance agency reporting can go wrong in a whole bunch of ways, and we get it. It’s tough to get it all right. 

But you have to.


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