
Agency Performance Partners


How to Fire A Client Just Call Them

Posted on March 17, 2022 by Alex Arellano

How to Fire A Client Just Call Them

“If you’re keeping clients on the books like that that shouldn’t be there. They’re only hurting the agency. They’re only hurting your bottom line or they’re only hurting your staff.”


This week’s topic might be a little difficult for some to swallow or digest, and it can be a little uncomfortable, but it’s an important one: how to fire an insurance client. For most of us, this is a pretty foreign concept, and you might be worried about losing revenue, or the client leaving a bad review. But the best way to fire an insurance client? Own it, pick up the phone, and rip off the BANDAID.


If clients are high maintenance, no-or-slow paying, if they’re flat-out rude to your staff, then they have to go, it’s that simple. If you’re keeping clients like that on the books that shouldn’t be there, they’re only hurting your agency, your staff, and your bottom line. And a lot of times, you can win a lot of favor with your staff by firing these clients. 


First and foremost, the best thing to do is to own it, pick up the phone, and rip the BANDAID off. Especially if you have a client that’s a repeat offender, you’re going to have to own that. Just pick up the phone, talk about your agency’s standards, tell them you’re not going to stand for them speaking to your staff that way, and just face it head-on.


Firing clients isn’t easy, but hanging onto these clients only hurts the morale of your staff, and possibly even sets a bad standard for your agency. By addressing this issue head on, you own the situation and take control of it, leading to the best outcome for everyone. 


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