
Agency Performance Partners


Time Management Tip #1: Eat The Frog

Posted on April 4, 2022 by Alex Arellano

Time Management Tip #1: Eat The Frog

If there’s one word we hear all the time in agencies, it’s the word “busy.” But the thing is, this word isn’t helpful, because all it means is that we’re spending time on the wrong things. Today is the first day of our series of time management tips, which can help you stop being “busy,” and instead feel productive.

“That concept of ‘eat the frog’ is, first thing in the morning, do the hardest task of your day and get it out of the way. And if you can do that you start your day productive.“

The first of our top time management tips? It’s something we call “eat the frog.” It’s a concept we use that goes like this: imagine you had to eat a live frog that’s slimy and gross. If you didn’t, someone you love would pass away. So when would you eat this frog? As soon as you can, in the first moment of the day.


What does this all have to do with insurance? A lot of the time we find that when people in agencies don’t want to do something, they use an avoidance strategy. For example, they might push off remarketing, late payment calls, or calling a client about a card being denied because it’s complicated or unpleasant. But with the concept of eating the frog, it means you start the day with your hardest task, and get it out of the way.


So next time you head into work, instead of putting off the task that you dread, hit the ground running and tackle your most difficult task first, and get it out of the way. This is one of our favorite time management tips because it allows you to start your day productively. That means you don’t open your email, or your management system, and instead, start by eating the frog, and kick off your day with productivity.


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