
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Consultant Tip: Are You Facing Insurance Burnout?

Posted on September 30, 2014 by Kelly Donahue Piro


Insurance Consultant Tip: Are You Facing Insurance Burnout?

Suddenly you wake up one day just really not wanting to go to work, but you have to. It’s that cringe when the phone rings or that customer that emails you, “why did my rates go up $20?”. Its called insurance burn out. Once you feel burned out, it will start spreading to your team.

This is when your team starts using less than savory words about your customer, the phone rings an extra ring and its 4:55 pm and a caller wants insurance when you hear your team say it will have to wait until tomorrow. Bottom line your burn out effects the team. When you start taking more vacations to help you cope, your team starts taking their foot off the gas too.

So, how do you as a business owner combat burn out? The problem is once you recognize you have it, it’s normally already spread to your team. You need to improve at early diagnosis. As a business owner, you should be putting in more time than your team (unless you are starting to turn the reins to the next generation, then play that extra round of golf!) One of the biggest signs you are about to burn out is you just don’t have that fire anymore. You aren’t motivated to go to the next networking event, you aren’t addressing employee feedback, and you haven’t had a staff meeting in a while.

Now, what do you do when you hit that phase. First, admit it. It’s ok, it will happen from time to time. Next, reach out to people you respect maybe a business coach (hint, hint), a mentor or even a book. Then get out paper and pen and spend a day in a place you are away from your office. Stop and ask yourself, “what is the business I ultimately dream to own?. Then compare that to your business today and select 3 things you want to work on that inspire you, challenge you and get you excited. Next, write down the things that just drain you. Maybe its tracking time off, bookkeeping or lower level sales. Identify how over the next 30 days you will find people to help you with these activities. Finally, look at the numbers. Is the business growing, stagnant, or shrinking. If it’s growing, go buy a bottle of champagne and treat yourself. Stagnant? Set a goal and then open the champagne when you hit it. Shrinking? Get serious about rolling up your sleeves and freaking get to work. This is your business, go reclaim it and fix the problems.

This stuff is not easy, that is why we exist.

Make sure to call us for help!