
Agency Performance Partners


It’s The End of January… Did you Hit Your Goal?

Posted on January 28, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

We have been super productive this past month! We have been in 8 states and 2 countries getting agents psyched to take on 2017. That doesn’t mean for one second we have lost site of our goals. So if we can’t, neither can you. It’s officially the end of the month, did you hit your January goals?

If you did, keep up the great work! Don’t let up because what you are doing is obviously working.

If you came close, work a little harder.  You may have to play a little catch up but you can get there.

If you didn’t come anywhere near close, don’t worry.  Don’t give up, sit down and analyze what you could have personally done differently?

Did you set goals but didn’t track them?  Did you communicate them and not launch them?  First of all, shame on you. Second of all, each month is like your first month, so there’s no time like the present.

If you need a little motivation we have a few items to help your agency! Everything from a sales cow bell, a goal tracking thermometer and much more. You can check out our online store to get a few goods to get you going!

If you did hit your goals then share with us what they were and you may get a special prize from us!