
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Agency Owners Getting Rid of Jobs They Hate: How To Plan & Execute Your Agency’s Success Roadmap

Posted on October 11, 2021 by Alex Arellano

Insurance Agency Owners Getting Rid of Jobs They Hate

Every agency owner wants to make the most of their agency, smash their goals, and ultimately have a successful business. That’s why all this week, we’re diving into our new Q4 class of how to plan and execute an agency success road map. This is the perfect time of year to do this, because you’re at the end of the year season and looking ahead to what’s next.

“If the leader of an agency is drained, nothing good can come from that.”

We want to go over a couple of components to get ready to build your plan, as well as exercises to get your brain in the right direction of what you need to tackle. The first thing is what we call a love/hate list. Why is that? Because insurance agency owners getting rid of jobs they hate should be a top priority.


Here’s how you make a love/hate list:


  1. Write down the jobs that you’re doing that you love
  2. Write down the jobs that you’re doing that you hate
  3. Write down the jobs that you’re doing that you’re not good at
  4. Write down the jobs that you’re doing that you’re stuck doing, because you think no one else can do them right


Agency leadership tends to get stuck doing things because no one else can, or because that’s the way it’s always been done, or because it’s easier if the agency leader does it. But when we make our love/hate list, not only do we realize which tasks we should focus on getting rid of, we start seeing ways to do it. For example, this will give us a list of what to work on over the year, ideas of who we can train or what work we can contract out, or a list of tasks we can trim, trash, or automate. 


Insurance agents often do a lot of jobs they don’t like. But business owners get to do fun things, have the life of their dreams, and ultimately, get rid of jobs that they hate.


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