
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Rate Increase Trigger | Hard Market Hero

Posted on June 16, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Are you wondering what insurance rate increase trigger you should use to alert your team there may be a client concern??

Many insurance agents are thinking – will calling clients increase remarketing? The answer is NO. When you spend time preparing you don’t have to spend time repairing relationships. The news of the rate increase is better coming from you rather than the mail or email. In this video we answer questions coming from our recent hard market series. We will review the top questions we get around insurance renewal reviews, including what insurance rate increase trigger should we use to contact a client.

We also review:

  • What do you do when the client has multiple renewal dates?
  • Do you mention price in a renewal review call?
  • Our recommendations on what rate increase trigger should flag a renewal review.

We also start the conversation around developing a remarketing strategy. If we are going to remarket an account (because we exhausted all other options) we need to get something from the interaction. We also start the conversation around what to say if you are declining to remarket. Watch as APP recaps this week’s Hard Market Hero series all about How to Have the Rate Increase Conversation.

We will recap:

🤓Proactive vs. reactive renewal reviews

🤓Contact information and payment strategy

🤓Review questions

🤓Coverage review

🤓Review rate on the entire account

🤓Discount scrub

🤓Remarketing education

This episode marks the 5th of our exciting six-part Hard Market Hero series designed specifically for your agency’s success! And guess what? There’s more to come! Watch this FREE recap of this week’s LIVE Hard Market Hero Sessions.

But wait, there’s a bonus!

Get a sneak peek into our upcoming 6th Remarketing Strategy 🙌

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