
Agency Performance Partners


It’s Hard to Hire: Build Your Culture

Posted on December 16, 2021 by Alex Arellano

It’s Hard to Hire: Build Your Culture

Whether you think it’s a bunch of fluff or not, you need to always be working on your insurance agency’s culture.

Try to have fun at the office and enjoy the people around you. They have chosen to spend their time with you. Even if you pay them, that is something to appreciate.”

It’s almost 2022, this stuff really matters. If your office is an environment that people don’t want to be in, they will leave. Don’t lose your key people to something you can fix.

So, how do you “fix” your culture? Or better yet, how do you keep your people?

Listen to what is important to them. What are the values that you see them cherish? What values do you see them admonish? If you really aren’t sure, watch and they will show you. 

Try to have fun at the office and enjoy the people around you. They have chosen to spend their time with you. Even if you pay them, that is something to appreciate.

Drive team buy-in and celebrate the small wins, your team’s birthdays, and enjoy this place you work at. Fun doesn’t mean less productivity. It usually results in more. 

Check in with your insurance agency’s culture every once in a while and you’ll have a much easier time when it’s hard to hire. 


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