
Agency Performance Partners


It’s Official, We are One Year Old!

Posted on June 15, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

That’s right, Agency Performance Partners has officially cleared its first birthday. Stepping aside from all the cake smashing and celebrating, we want to personally THANK YOU, our very special clients and followers. Looking back over the course of the last 365 days, it’s incredible the people we have met, the clients we have signed and the support we have received from this industry. As we reflect on the past year we can’t help but be thankful, grateful and honored to be surrounded by great partners and agents.

With that being said, there are a few thanks we need to give:

  • My Husband and Dog: You may see Roxxy more than Andrew but they both make my life on the road possible. Having a supportive spouse while I spend more time on the road than home is an incredible blessing. We are both committed to growing Agency Performance Partners and reaching more agents who desire organic growth. Plus it helps that Agency Performance Partners (APP) is also my husbands initials!  Also, for those of you who have ever been on a call with me around 5pm EST, you know Roxxy is very busy defending our home from every FedEx and UPS truck that drives by.
  • Chris Paradiso and the entire team at Paradiso Insurance: Some of you may know that Chris and I have been working together for over 7 years, between Agency Performance Partners and my previous employer. They allow me to test a lot of crazy ideas on them and polish them up for the rest of the insurance world. I admire their passion, flexibility and commitment to the best. I am honored to be considered part of their team. You can read our case study if you would like to know more.
  • To my Agency Appeal Team (Emily Brochu and Eddy DeMelo):  Yes we have another company in the works that focuses on building agency brands. You can check out our latest project, Berry Insurance, to see the work we do.  Emily is my designer and creative guru. The entire site and brand elements are all Emily. I can’t thank you enough for creating a brand that is just as much me as our clients. Your work continues to amaze me. Eddy is equally as talented.  You cannot find an SEO person that is more caring, consultative, available and cool to work with. We look forward to building many more agency brands this year.
  • The Associations & Carriers: To all of the associations who have found me and had me speak, thank you. Launching a new business is challenging and allowing me to bring my message to your members has been a great blessing. We look forward to Michigan, Iowa and many more in the coming months.
  • Deanna Hotham: She is literally my right hand. As my virtual assistant, she keeps me focused and allows me to focus on the items that matter while she is productive on the administrative side. Having a Deanna has allowed me greater scale, time and of course, to have more fun! She even blocks off her weekends for me since she knows that’s when I work!
  • Rough Notes Magazine:  Thank you for being such a large supporter of my venture. I appreciate you all every single day for getting to know the new kid on the block.
  • Technology Partners: Coming from an insurance technology background, I know the challenge and value of technology in an agency. Special thank you to Aatrac ServicesInsurance Agent App and QQ Solutions.
  • My Clients: I don’t want to leave anyone out and you will see many of them over the next few weeks in a video. I value the trust you put in us and we will always treat your agency as if it were our own.

Now that we are done with the thank yous, let’s get on to the fun. We have a fun filled June planned for you, so you better open our emails and follow us on our social media channels! Watch for the following:

  • A very special and kinda crazy Anniversary Video shot by our very own clients
  • #clienttiptuesday, these are tips from our clients on what they have learned from us
  • Our Vision and Mission for the next year, this is a MUST read
  • During the month of June we will be presenting data from our Agency Assessment. 300 insurance professionals have taken this survey and the results may surprise you!
  • Coming in July we will be doing a blog series you really should share with you team every week.  It is called “How to Grow Your Career in an Agency” (trust me this is everything owners want to say but don’t. So I’ll help say it for you!)

Lastly, we would love to hear from you. On our Anniversary Page is a button so you can flip on your webcam and send in your very own Anniversary wish. Do it, don’t be a social media creeper! Tell us what you have learned from our blogs and work. We want to hear from you. The more agents see and hear from other agents the better we all become. Plus, as you know, if you don’t do it I’ll probably text you and guilt you into it!

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. We couldn’t have asked for a better first year and now we have to get moving into our terrible twos!