
Agency Performance Partners


The low-down, dirty, end of quarter blues

Posted on April 7, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Sales goals: If you don’t have them, I’m not sure how you’re running a strong agency. A sales team without solid, measurable goals is like a blues band without a smokey dive bar. When the finish line is coming up, it’s easy to get nervous or even completely desperate. As those end dates approach, sometimes you’re right up against your goals and quotas and need to get some checks in to pull in the revenue necessary to hit your incentives.

Do not freak out! Your sales approach needs to be the bluesy bar band, stay positive and keep the beat going. Keep your cool  and remember these three tips to stave off the low-down dirty, end-of-quarter blues.

1. Start Early! If possible, keep an open line of communication with your accounting team. Your job as a sales team are not just to build relationships, but to leverage those relationships when those checks are late. You are the client’s point of contact and they’re going to be much happier to hear from you than the accountant they have not heard of.  There is no need to be pushy or overbearing, but just let them know you are available and you are happy to guide them through the payment process if they need you. Starting early is the underappreciated, lanky bass player in the band. The driving engine behind the band that fills out the sound and presence.
2. Be Confident, Not Pathetic. Sometimes wearing your heart on your sleeve is an incredible sales tool, but it can also come across as needy. Do you pay your bills as soon as you receive them? Of course not! You wait until the last minute unless there’s an issue. Offer solutions if they ask, but do not offer them beforehand. Recently, a potential partner asked for a purchase order before we even inked a deal. Now, of course we knew they were trying to hit quarterly goals, but this is not the way to close. Confidence is the lead guitar player, cutting through the struggles and shining when you are in the spotlight.
3. Learn from Your Losses. Sometimes, you will not hit your goals and you’ve got to build on your experience. We have all narrowly missed goals and end up licking our wounds and having to develop a new plan of attack. Come up with a new approach or improve on what you achieved in the previous quarter. If you are a team leader, this is vital. You are the thundering drums that push the team forward with a steady and persistent cadence. Be that bass drum, pushing your team towards success.
Don’t get the low-down, dirty, end-of-quarter blues. Get out there and be a sales rockstar!