
Agency Performance Partners


Outline of a GREAT Job Posting

Posted on January 19, 2022 by Alex Arellano

Outline of a GREAT Job Posting

We’ve talked all about what not to do when hiring for your agency. Now, let’s go over what you should do. Here is an outline of an insurance job posting that is guaranteed to bring in your ideal applicants.

First, give people a title to look forward to. You need to create a balance. Have the terms they will search, yes, but also give them more. For example, we are looking for a receptionist VS we are looking for a Receptionist AKA Director of First Impressions. Which would you want to be?


And before you follow that up with a banging job description… just don’t. Instead, tell people what you are looking for. Who is your ideal candidate? Write this for them.


If you want to, add what their responsibilities are. What will they be in charge of or overseeing? People generally like to know what will be theirs to maintain. 


Something that we think needs to be added way more often is the agency’s story. Who are YOU? How did your agency get here? What is it like to work for you? Give the people the backstory they deserve.


Lastly, make it easy to apply. Don’t make people add 12 documents before you do the initial interview. You’ll lose a lot of good people that way. Make it an easy process that makes them want to go through further vetting. 


Ultimately, this is an ad, so you have to leave people wanting more, wanting to know more, but you can’t make the position out to be something it’s not. 


When you write your next insurance agency job ad, use this outline and let us know how it goes on social media!


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