
Agency Performance Partners


Post SNA Meeting – 10 Objectives Every Successful Agency Practices

Posted on April 17, 2019 by agencyperformancepartners@dev

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No need to recreate the wheel! In the 700 agencies we have worked with Agency Performance Partners has been able to nail down 10 practices successful agencies practice consistently. The key to success is consistency in practicing these 10 objectives:

  1. Routine work and development of agency culture

  2. Development of a forever recruiting strategy

  3. Consistent agency meetings on site and off site

  4. Identification of agency leadership within all team members

  5. Detailed performance feedback

  6. Goal setting with incentive plans and clear goal tracking

  7. Relentless pursuit of maximizing agency technology

  8. Constant training and development of people

  9. Investments in marketing and branding

  10. Clear identification of agency target markets

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