
Agency Performance Partners


Producer Mindset: Hours Worked

Posted on December 23, 2021 by Alex Arellano

Producer Mindset: Hours Worked

For the final part of our chat about the producer mindset, we are going to take a look at the hours worked in your insurance agency.

“Success is earned and that means you need to make the time to earn it.”

We are all completely capable of wasting time on things that don’t matter. Your special time waster might be social media, TV, or thinking about every bad thing that has ever happened to you, but they aren’t really helping you progress. Are they?

Being a producer requires a good deal of time. If you go to bed feeling bad about how little you got done today, it might not be all of your task’s fault. 

You have to learn how to use your time to the best use, which may look a lot different from what is taking the most of it now. 

Something like time management can be really helpful here. We suggest that you record your day, down to the minute, noting what you work on, how long it took, and what you could complete. Use that data however you think (we have a course on time management FYI), but try to learn from yourself.

Success is earned and that means you need to make the time to earn it. 

We all have the same amount of hours in the day, so don’t use time as an excuse. There are new moms out there running on four hours of sleep and taking care of a newly-made human that make your schedule look like a vacation.

Be aware of the hours worked in your insurance agency and find your best uses. You only eat what you kill so it’s important to have a producer mindset, even with something like this.


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