In this episode of the Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Podcast, Kelly Donahue Piro wants to encourage you both personally and professionally as students are going back to school. She was recently a guest on another podcast, For Richer or Poorer with Gina and Joe Clevenger, and is continuing the discussion on how to streamline things as we enter Fall, a transitional season. In fact, because she values her time so much, Kelly is excited to share her own personal time saving hacks.
First, Kelly focuses on finances. She vulnerably shares the own personal financial situations she has experienced. Regardless of your financial state and the dollar amount, she encourages you to level up your time. How can you free up time to sell more in order to give you even more resources and freedom for you and your family? A good question to ask yourself is “What will be a good job by the end of the week?” Come up with a realistic plan accordingly. Without direction, you will leave each week feeling gross.
Next, Kelly focuses on efficiency with fitness. Move your body! It doesn’t matter how, but bodies are meant to move. Figure out what will hold you accountable. Put this in your schedule first and foremost. If you need to go to bed early in order to get up early, just do it, but figure out how to move.
Another way Kelly feels it helps to be efficient is to meal prep. Healthy shakes are a great way to allow extra time in your day
When it comes to shopping, online shopping like Stitch Fix and Nordstrom Trunk Club are super helpful. Even if you do a box once per quarter, it’s one less thing to think about.
Regarding pets, dog walkers are a great way to take one thing off your schedule and free up your time.
For groceries, HelloFresh is excellent for dinners and ends up being about the same as grocery shopping plus there isn’t waste. It’s good, healthy food. For the rest of groceries, Kelly recommends Instacart or an online grocery service.
If you aren’t a good housekeeper, a housecleaner saves time and makes your life easier. It can also save you from spending money on therapy. J
Each of these little hacks adds up to keep you from feeling stretched and running on empty. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, figure out what your time is worth. You can choose between coming to your desk, recovering from figuring out what to wear that morning and also worrying about what’s for dinner OR you can come to your desk excited about the delicious HelloFresh meal you’re going to have that night.
In conclusion, we are in a time of transition and it will continue to be that way for quite some time. We can’t continue to “duct tape,” but we must figure out how to make it work in a way that provides freedom and relieves frustration. You don’t want to become resentful.
Have a great month and thank you for listening!
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