
Agency Performance Partners


[BANTER PODCAST] Role Play How to Fire An Insurance Client

Posted on June 26, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Would hearing a role play on how to fire an insurance client help you? If so listen here:

We will give you a role play how to fire an insurance client! In speaking with many insurance agencies across the country they always have one question. What do I say when firing an insurance client? We know the first time you do anything its the FFT (the freaking first time). First times are always clumsy, you feel funny and its generally awkward. But guess what the 10th time you do something new it feels a ton better. Give your self some grace in your first client break up!

In this blog banter you get Stephen and Kelly role playing out how to fire a client. We review what to say (and Stephen gives Kelly a hard time!) and how to let the person down easily and professionally. You can part ways with a client terrorist professionally.

Here is the outline of the conversation:
1) Greet the client and introduce yourself and your role in the event they are not clear
2) Alert them you have reviewed their account
3) Let the client know that based on the review it looks like there may be some mutual challenges
4) Alert them that at renewal you are recommending that the client finds another agency
5) Offer to send them a copy of their policy to making moving simple
6) Let them know they can leave earlier
7) If they are not getting the message you will need to be direct and clear
8) End the call by documenting the file

Resources from APP On Role Play How To Fire An Insurance Client:

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