
Agency Performance Partners


Success Strategy 1: Be Ready To Rock When the Agency Opens

Posted on June 24, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

First of all, thanks for starting this blog journey with us, whether you found this all on your own or your agency owner is making you read this series.  We wanted to share the best way to get ahead and make more money in the insurance space. Now as a disclaimer, you can’t just do one of these tips and forget the rest. No, the only way to get ahead is to be disciplined and make a plan to tackle all of the objectives. It’s a sure shot to boosting your value within the agency.

Success Strategy 1 is to be ready to rock when the agency opens. You may think “Ohhh yes, I do this one already”, but let me be clear on what this entails. I believe if you show up when the agency opens you are late. Yes, that’s right… late. When the agency opens for business that means your butt is in a seat, coffee in hand, lunch tucked away and any conversations about kids soccer games have been completed. Your management system is up and you have your game plan ready to go 2 minutes before start time. Simply walking in almost on time won’t get you ahead in life.

Let me be honest, nothing bothers most agency owners more than late staff. It’s simply unprofessional. Now, I know we have all gotten a flat tire or hit traffic due to an accident. There is a difference between a twice a year late team member and a late every week team member.  Here is where I need to get real. If you always hit traffic then you need to leave earlier; it’s simply not fair to the clients or your team. You can’t calculate your drive time by Sunday afternoon standards. Many people need to get kids on the bus. Trust me, I struggle with this one.  However you know the start time of the agency so you have to make arrangements. When I was growing up, my mom was a teacher and we went to before school care, it was great! Lastly, there is nothing that will make your manager’s blood boil more than someone coming in late with Dunkin Donuts in their hand… you’re late to work but you had time to get coffee?

Your mission to boost your insurance career is to challenge yourself to get to work 15 minutes early.  This way if there are delays you are OK and you can still get settled in to be ready to kill it when the phones turn on. Imagine if your Dunkin Donuts coffee rep said “Hold on, sorry.  I just got here. I need to make the coffee first before I can serve you.”  You would be livid! So be ready to rock 2 minutes before the start time and you will start upping your game!