If you are interested in Kelly being on your podcast, speaking at your event or authoring an article, please email us at kelly@agencyperformancepartners.com.
Earlier this year, Agency Performance Partners, a New England-based insurance agency consulting and training firm, sponsored one of our weekly emails. The company which focuses on helping independent insurance agencies take their businesses and sales to the next level had wanted to advertise the fact that they were an approved company for grants under the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund, a state program created to increase Massachusetts businesses’ productivity and competitiveness by funding the training of current and newly hired employees .
In this episode of Profiles in Risk, I spoke with David Siekman of Agency Performance Partners. You might remember Agency Performance Partners when I interviewed Kelly Donahue-Piro in episode 88 of Profiles in Risk. Listen as David and I discuss the sort of deep planning, coaching and consulting that goes on that allows Agency Performance Partners to lift the results of an agency’s customer experience, renewal rates & new business sales. As David describes it, the entire process is about shifting the culture to a results-oriented focus for the agency owners and staff.
Foreward From Chris: Many agencies know that we have partnered with Agency Performance Partners and Agency Appeal for almost 5 years now. While our relationship with Kelly Donahue-Piro started almost a decade ago we have built a long standing relationship with all of her companies and team. Over the coming weeks Kelly has offered to share what they do for and with our agency in bite sized chunks so other agents can either take advantage of working with her